Iberian lynx Land is an Ecotourism Registered Company. Along with RESPONSIBLE NATURE TOURISM, Iberian Lynx Land’s pivotal values include EDUCATION and CONSERVATION of Nature and Natural Resources. We are committed to enjoying our environment with the greatest respect for nature, following the ethical code of AEFONA (Spanish Association of Nature Photographers).
It is made up of the union of two leading companies in Nature Tourism in Andalusia; Iberian Lynx Land in the Sierra de Andújar and Sierra Trek, in the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas and Sierra Mágina.
This conjunction has led to greater logistical capacity, integrating better work systems, increased services and a greater field of action.
We are a multi disciplinedtemaof international conservationists, biologists, expert local guides, and nature photographers of renown.
Moreover, we are recognized as an environmental consultant, working with conservation, advisors on land estate management, territorial custodians, environmental education, etc.
Regarding ecotourism, we provide guiding, routes and tours, and photography in all the natural spaces in the province of Jaen: the natural parks of Sierra de Andujar, Cazorla, Segura y las Villas, Sierra Magina, Despeñaperros and Sierra Sur.
We cooperate with the best private estates in the Sierra of Andujar, home to the Iberian Lynx, Golden eagle, Spanish Imperial eagle, Goshawk, Griffon vulture, Black vulture, Red deer, Mouflon, Otter, etc.
Iberian Lynx Land studies the best sites for our hides and points of observation, bearing in mind lighting and background to obtain stunning images to remind us of time spent in ”The Land of the Lynx”.
Also, we offer our services in all Andalusia, as well as international destinations such as The Orkneys, Ecuador, and Morocco.
In order to do so, we work with the best local guides who are able to provide personal, informed, and well organized guiding and are able to deal with any unforeseen eventuality.
Iberian Lynx Land leaves nothing to chance, being our main desire total customer satisfaction.
To offer professional high quality services to our clients.
The utmost respect for nature. It is the protagonist.
Show the best natural spaces from a professional and conservation point of view.
To collaborate and support the regional environmental governance, Nature reserve authorities, Park rangers, landowners, local people
We try to be as responsible and environmentally-friendly as possible. Putting wildlife first is of the utmost importance. An image or a sighting is not worth the disturbance, or even life, of an animal.
We follow the Ethical Guide to Wildlife Photographers Association (AEFONA)
We collaborate with them, respecting their property and their traditional activities.
We try to show them that Eco-Tourism can coexist simultaneously with other activities and can result the cost savings for.
To teach them to appreciate and highlight the importance of protecting our environment and wildlife, specially exclusive and endangered species.
Transmit to the property or those responsible for any incident detected in them.
We collaborate with them regarding all questions about environment and wildlife conservation.
We collaborate with them helping to improve the natural areas where we work in.
We have all of the permits and authorizations needed for our activities.
Let them know how special is the area where they are in regards to the environment as well as the species that inhabit there, specially the most endangered species.
Be aware that any activity carried out in the environment carries implicit consequences that, although we try to minimize them, they do exist.
Give back to nature part of what it offers us. We are committed to allocating a percentage of the profits to the conservation and improvement of the areas in which we work. We allocate 10% of our profits to protect, conserve and environmentally improve the habitats/species where we work in.
Iberian Lynx Land is a multidisciplinary team of renowned conservation biologists, environmentalists and nature photographers, whose main driving force is to integrate conservation, eco-tourism and wildlife photography in a professional sustainable framework.
We all work hard so that conservation, ecotourism and nature photography are not at odds. Our spirit is quality and professionalism.
José Luis Sánchez Balsera has a degree in Biology, a naturalist by vocation and an expert connoisseur of Andalusian Natural Areas, especially in the province of Jaén.
Professionally dedicated to the conservation of endangered species, both in Andalusia and in Castilla – La Mancha.
Some of the species with which he has worked are: Iberian imperial eagle, golden eagle, Bonelli’s eagle, lesser kestrel, bustard, or ortega ganga.
For 4 years, he has collaborated with a monitoring team, to conserve the last bearded vultures of the Atlas mountain range in Morocco, currently involved in promoting tourism development and nature conservation.
He is responsible for the tours and routes in the company.
Graduate in Fine Arts. José Luis has a background of more than 30 years photographing nature. Starting in early 80’s using his photographs as an instrument for conservation of nature. To date, he has a large image archive. He is also partner of the Conservation Commitee of AEFONA – Spanish Association of Nature Photography -. and was involved in drafing the Code of Ethics for Nature Photographers.
He has received several prizes and awards and has published many photos in several media.
His goal…you get your best photos.
Emilio has a PhD in Biology, and is professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University. He was the coordinator from 1991 – 2017 of the Ground Carnivores Group of the Spanish Society of Mammalogist (SECEM) of which was founding partner. He has published more than 70 scientifc articles in several prestigious scientifc journals and is the author of several chapters about carnivores. He was the promoter and one of the editors of the book Ecology and Conservation of the badger in Mediterranean Ecosystems. He also was a forerunner and editor of the book “Important Areas for Mammal of Spain”. He has collaborated with the main Spanish conservation organizations in many actions for the conservation of mammals and birds. In the last decade, he has been the adviser for the Iberian lynx Conservation Program in Andalusia.
Degree in Environmental Sciences. Apart from his education, Miguel gained his experienced as wildlife guide in the Natural Space of Doñana. He has also worked as a technician on diferent projects and programs involving the conservation of ecosystems and threatened species, a highlight for him being the Iberian lynx. He is currently working and sharing his broad knowledge with our clients in our Natural Protected Areas.
Technician in Forest Management and the Natural Environment. Naturalist committed to the environment and endangered wildlife. Ornithological guide accredited by SeoBirdLife. Nature photographer with awards and mentions in numerous competitions. Responsible for customer service at the Visitor Centre “Viñas de Peñallana”. Observation and photography guide of Iberian Lynx Land.
Luis Mateus has a degree in biology, specialized in conservation issues, working on numerous conservation projects. Recommended by SEO BirdLife for his great qualities.
Among others, he has worked for the CSIC, Biological station of Doñana, SEO BirdLife, Fundación CBD Hábitat, Tragsatec,… He is currently developing a black vulture conservation project in Extremadura.
Esteban Ureña Pérez de Tudela. is a keen naturalist, and has been involved in nature conservation since he was a child. He has worked in dierent conservation programs about protected and endangered species such as Montagu’s harrier, steppe birds…but his true passion lies with Owls and by virtue of that he has a very keen eye when it comes to look for this group of birds.
He’s professional ringer for Eagle owl and for many years, he has been involved in environment education for children through ringing this charismatic species.
Tomás has a bachelor degree in Environmental Sciences and is a very experienced nature photographer and an very knowledgeable about Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas NP.
Over the last ten years, he has been involved with environment education projects. In regards to nature photography.
He has received several prizes and awards both national and international.
He is an Iberian Lynx Land guide, both for observation and nature photography.
Inmaculada Cancio Guillén. in Biology Inma is a biologist and researcher in ecology, leading her research line in the interaction between plants and animals mainly as functional seed dispersal agents. She is Coordinator of the Rufous Bush Chat Project of the Conservation and research of Fauna Association “Harmusch”. She also works in several environment education programs as nature guide.
Rafa is a keen and talented naturalist. He has been involved for many years in a Lammergeier Conservation project in the Pyrenees and has collaborated on several research and census projects on a number of raptors, otter…
In Andalusia he was collaborating in volunteer work for the hacking of Bearded Vultures in Castril in 2010.
Extensive knowledge of the fauna and the plant world, especially our orchids. It is a perfect nature guide for its great qualities of revivals of wild fauna in the natural environment.
Pedro is a devoted nature lover. Experienced nature photography tour guide. He is always willing to help you to get the best from your camera. He believes that the Society, all of us, must return to it, understand it as a close and related way of life that is prior and necessary to our own if we want to live with minimal guarantees of health and coherence, if we hope that those who are for come meet the world that one day we inhabit. It seems to him an inexhaustible source of valid resources for very different disciplines and a way in itself of understanding existence.